Product development

  1. Planning:

-Gathering marketing requirement & customer requirement to define product specification.

-Project management to determine development cost, operation cost, sustaining cost and target margin.

2. Development

-Define engineering specification & design.

-Product validation(EVT, DVT, PVT)

-EMI/EMC/Safety certification

-OS certification for Windows & Linux if needed

-Certification for USB or Thunderbolt if needed

3. Sustaining/Customer Service

Develop your own product:

Portable external USB4 NVMe storage

– target market: high-end customers

Pro: Fastest read/write speed, light weight, and much smaller form factor compare to USB hard drive.

Con: Higher cost compare to USB key or hard drive. Slightly bigger than USB key.

– Bandwidth consideration: USB4 is 40Gb(5GB). NVMe drive is about 7450MB read and 6900MB write(take Samsung 990 pro as an example). However, USB4 bandwidth is currently highest speed interface we have for a PC except NIC. Kind of expecting read/write performance is close to 4.x GB(of course you need to deduct protocol overhead)


USB4(on PC side) – USB4(on USB NVMe storage) – PCIe(on USB NVMe storage) – NVMe drive(on USB NVMe storage)

-Chipset/controller :

AS Media’s ASM2464PD has both USB4(to PC) and PCIe Gen4 x4 (to NVMe) solution in single chip which is perfectly fit the need. Get a demo board from chip vendor to verify if it meets your product requirement & performance.

-Physical interface specification:

USB4(type C) support up to 40Gb

M.2(PCIe gen3 x4)

-Mechanical enclosure: Thanking about the heat generated by NVMe drive, the enclosure must have the capability to move the heat from NVMe to the air. So you can think about aluminum material either with fan or no fan depending on thermal condition.

-Validation: Reliability, shock & vibe, thermal, functionality, performance, system/OS compatibility, USB2/3 compatibility

-Get USB4 certificate, EMI/EMC/Safety certificates